The Vincent van Gogh Gallery |
http://vangoghgallery.com/ |
A complete collection of van Gogh's works |
Fluxtime |
http://www.fluxtime.com |
Programme (online demo also very cheap licenses available to schools). |
For an example
of an animation made with fluxtime - click
here |
See also
MOVIESOUP by the same company - a
downloadable version of Fluxtime with |
a very cheap school site
licence option. |
Anithings |
http://www.anithings.com/ |
Another great animation
programme, possibly better suited to younger children than |
Fluxtime or Moviesoup.
Uses the same idea of dragging objects around while recording |
to create the animation.
Being able to 'hinge' one object on another makes animating |
creatures' limbs easier! |
http://kids.tate.org.uk/ |
Games, craft
activities, films and a gallery for children's artwork. |
http://www.muvizu.com/ |
Free 3D animation
software - build and light sets, then direct your characters. |
http://pixlr.com/o-matic/ |
Upload your own
photos and add vintage retro effects in 3 easy steps. |
BBC NI - Schools - Primary Art - Home Page |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/4_11/primaryart/ |
Domo |
http://domo.goanimate.com/ |
Create and share your
own animations. |
ArtisanCam |
http://www.artisancam.org.uk/ |
Watch artists at work
- have a go yourself! |
Museum of Web Art Main Entrance |
http://www.mowa.org/enter.html |
Mr. Picassohead |
http://www.mrpicassohead.com/ |
Escher Web Sketch |
http://escher.epfl.ch/escher/ |
Create your own
Escher-style interlocking pictures. |
Archimboldo Art Producer |
http://www.middlestreet.org/arch.htm |
Use fruit and
vegetables to create a face in the style of Archimboldo. |
S C R I B B L E R |
http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/ |
Draw a picture and
have the computer add shading and cross-hatching automatically. |
National Gallery of Art NGAkids
- Collage Machine 2 |
http://www.nga.gov/kids/zone/collagemachine2.htm |
Also try the original
'Collage Machine'
here |
The NGA has added
many other interactive art activities to its website
here |
Kerpoof |
http://www.kerpoof.com |
Make a picture, a
story or even a movie. |
edemberley.com |
http://www.edemberley.com |
Drawing activities on
this famous illustrator's website. |
Wadsworth Atheneum - Get Surreal |
http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/painter/ |
Create your own
surrealist masterpiece and save it in an online gallery. |
AllPosters.com - The World's Largest Poster and Print Store! |
http://www.allposters.com/gallery.asp? |
Useful for finding
inspirational artworks. |
MoMA online projects Art Safari |
http://www.moma.org/momalearning/artsafari/index.html |
Stephen Wiltshire |
http://www.stephenwiltshire.co.uk/ |
'Stephen is the only artistic autistic
savant in the world whose work has been recorded and
published since his
childhood.' |
For a video of
Stephen drawing a giant panoramic view of Rome from memory click
here |
Handwritten 2.1 - Draw |
http://www.eigelb.at/HP/Links/Handwriting2_1/Draw/DrawJar.html |
Record your drawings,
then play them back or email them to someone else. |
Artcyclopedia The Fine Art Search Engine |
http://www.artcyclopedia.com/ |
The Artist's Toolkit Minneapolis Institute of Arts |
http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/index.html |
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco |
http://www.famsf.org/ |
The Getty - Elements of Art |
http://www.getty.edu/education/teachers/building_lessons/elements.html |
Komar and Melamid-The most wanted paintings onthe web |
http://www.diacenter.org/km/index.html |
KinderArt - Art Lessons - Art Education |
http://www.kinderart.com/index.html |
A large collection of
free art lessons and art education information on the Internet. Over
800 free art and craft lessons, activities and plans for K-12. |
Mondrimat |
http://www.stephen.com/mondrimat/ |
Inside Art - An Art History Game |
http://www.eduweb.com/insideart/index.html |
AccessArt Online Arts Workshops |
http://www.accessart.org.uk/ |
Mark Harden's Artchive Artchive |
http://artchive.com/ftp_site.htm |
Alice Illustrators |
http://www.exit109.com/~dnn/alice/ |
Artrage paint program |
http://www.ambientdesign.com/artrage.html |
ArtRage is all about playing with paint without the mess, and having fun in the process.
You can paint your own image from a blank canvas to completed work, or load in a picture
to trace and have the tools pick their colours for you as you paint over it. |
Rob Gonsalves -
Discovery Galleries |
http://www.discoverygalleries.com/ArtistGallery.asp?artist_id=23&category_id=2 |
Fantastic paintings
incorporating optical illusions. |
Katinka Matson |
http://www.katinkamatson.com/prints.html |
High-resolution scans
of flowers. Inspiration for using your scanner in Art. |
Ian Alexander's Natural Patterns, Wallpapers & Backgrounds Library |
http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~iany/patterns/patterns.htm |