How do
we want our school to feel?
The aim of this policy is to ensure that
our school is a calm, safe, happy, stimulating, vibrant, purposeful, welcoming,
inclusive, fun, accessible and positive environment. In order to achieve this we
will strive to create a culture for learning where everyone involved understands
the school’s ethos and their own personal role in ensuring that children feel
safe, happy and eager to learn. In meeting the needs of children and their
families we understand that we are part of a wider network of support. We
continually aim to ensure that there are positive relationships in school and
strong links between school, parents/carers and outside agencies in order to
support the school’s ethos and to achieve the five outcomes of Every Child
Matters which are:
To be healthy
To stay safe
To enjoy and achieve
To make a positive contribution
To achieve economic well-being
What is the
ethos at Middle Street?
At Middle Street we have a relaxed, open
and honest atmosphere, where there are clear boundaries, with flexibility where
children are offered the opportunity to express themselves in a safe, trusting
How do
we encourage positive behaviour?
We do this by
ensuring the children, staff, parent/carers and the wider community understand
and play a part in the development of the ethos and vision of the school. As
follows: (See Appendix A )
are the roles of the adults at Middle Street?
There is a teacher and Teaching
Assistant for each class to facilitate the learning and development
of skills and knowledge.
We have two learning mentors and
nurture support to support the development of social and emotional skills.
All adults who work in the school
agree that the child is at the centre of everything that we do.
All adults in school have high
expectations for the children in terms of both their learning and behaviour.
Each child is respected and
listened to by the adults in the school. There is a clear emphasis on building
and maintaining positive relationships.
We share a consistent, common
approach as each child is treated as an individual with their own particular
strengths and needs.
All adults take responsibility
for and are explicit about expectations and boundaries.
We challenge the use of racist,
homophobic, sexist and disablist language and behaviour
We develop positive and
constructive relationships with parent/carers.
We foster positive and supportive
relationships with outside agencies. Any adults coming into our school are
treated respectfully and have a clear understanding and respect for our ethos.
This is achieved by clear communication of what our expectations are at Middle
We understand that children learn
from our actions and therefore ensure that we are positive role models for them,
including being punctual.
All staff in school will continue
to further develop their own learning and professional development.
We make it clear that when
challenging or inappropriate behaviour is displayed that it is the behaviour
that is disapproved of and not the child – we then clearly identify and name the
negative behaviour with the child, why it is disapproved of and describe the
positive behaviour expected.
The adults in our school will be:
We will help the children in our
school to be:
We will encourage and support the
parents/carers to:
What do we expect of the wider
Visitors to the
school will treat all within and the environment with respect.
Those using the school out of hours will
treat the building and inner and environment with respect.
Local businesses and contacts can
support the school through for example contributing to fund raising events
All that have contact with the school
can promote the school positively within the local community and beyond.
All who come in contact with the
children, staff, governors and parent/carers of Middle Street are expected to
treat them with respect and courtesy. Any comments regarding the conduct of
members of the school community should be addressed in a respectful, polite and
constructive manner to the Head teacher.
What do we expect of our children at
Middle Street?
We want our children to communicate with
the adults in our school about the positive and negative emotions and events
that they maybe experiencing so that we can help them socially and emotionally
as well as educationally. This will enable them to access the support available
to them.
How do the children learn at Middle
By having professional motivated
and happy staff who are able to make learning fun and exciting
By feeling safe, happy and valued
Using the local environment and
beyond to enhance and enrich the curriculum.
Visitors to the school
By accessing a meaningful, broad
and balanced creative curriculum
By being taught using a variety
of teaching styles and approaches
Through a creative use of ICT
Through the use of appropriate
and well maintained resources
Through the schools involvement
and engagement in national and local projects and initiatives
Through Assessment for Learning,
Formative and Summative Assessment which all feed into the monitoring and
tracking of children’s progress
Through health education and by
eating healthily and drinking water; which is available to them throughout the
By taking part in physical
By knowing they can share any
worries or concerns that they may have about their learning or relationships.
By attending school regularly and
avoiding prolonged periods of absence
Parent/carers attending Parent
Consultation evenings
Having a sense of ownership of
their school and making a contribution to it’s development via individual pupil
voice and the School Council
How will the school environment
support children’s learning?
By being warm, friendly and
By reflecting the diverse nature
of the school community
By being as accessible as is
practically possible given the restraints of the school building
Through the use of display to
support children’s learning, celebrate children’s work and achievements and to
provide information
By creative use of the outside
By being calm, safe, clean, tidy
and organised
By being well resourced
What about discipline?
In line with
the philosophy and ethos of the school our approach to discipline is democratic,
based on self respect and respect and empathy for others. All within the school
community are expected to have an understanding of their rights and their
responsibilities towards each other and their environment.
We expect everyone within the school
community to follow the school’s basic golden rules of respect and honesty.
Golden Rules
To be
gentle Do not hurt anybody
Do be kind and
helpful Do not hurt peoples feelings
Do work
hard Do not waste your time or that of others
Do take care of
property Do waste or damage things
Do listen to people
Do not interrupt
Do be
honest Do not cover up the truth
How do we respond to challenging
We have a clear understanding that those
children who display challenging behaviour are amongst the most vulnerable in
our school. Our approach therefore to dealing with negative behaviour is
differentiated based on the needs and emotional state of the individual child.
Our definition of what constitutes challenging behaviour and a vulnerable child
Those children who are unable to
respond to or follow instructions or comply with requests
Children who are defiant,
argumentative and unpredictable
Those children who have no
understanding or awareness of praise
Children who seem to be
uncontrollable with poor strategies for calming themselves down and self
Children who are unable to cope
with their feelings and emotions
Children who cause injury to
either themselves or to others
Children who clearly have needs
which are not being met
Children who are disaffected
Children who attention seek,
needing either positive or negative attention
Children who are anxious
Children with a negative attitude
to themselves and their work because of low self esteem
Children who are sad and lonely
Children who are unusually shy or
Children who are identified as
either a bully or being bullied
Children who are overly sensitive
and tearful
Children with poor attendance
Children who present with
inappropriate behaviours, including inappropriate language, for their age
We seek to have an understanding of why
a child is displaying challenging or inappropriate behaviour. We see a child’s
challenging or inappropriate behaviour to be their means of communicating that
they are in distress. We do this by being positive and supportive, remaining
calm and avoiding a confrontational and judgemental approach.
We aim to be an emotionally literate
school and expect all to show empathy and understanding towards the needs of
others. Adults lead by example by modelling emotionally literate behaviour.
Children’s emotional literacy is through the PSHE/SEAL curriculum and other
areas of the curriculum but there are times when it can be necessary to employ
behaviour modification strategies.
Examples of these include:
Rewards and sanctions in class
and around the school
Children are always given
warnings and opportunities to make the right choices in self regulating their
A staged approach for managing
negative behaviour to be used by the adults (Appendix B). This shows the types
of behaviour linked to appropriate sanctions. It includes a yellow and red card
system for minor issues. The sanctions for more extreme negative behaviour can
be an internal exclusion within the school (Appendix C) or a formal reported
fixed term exclusion off-site.
The aim of the school is to make
every effort to support the child in avoiding a formal fixed term exclusion.
We apply a differentiated
approach to supporting children with challenging behaviour as we understand that
some children struggle to self regulate their behaviour and require additional
support and understanding in order for them to develop the necessary skills and
strategies. The strategies used are tailored to the individual needs of the
Should either an internal or fixed term
exclusion be necessary we would use this time to look at what further support we
could offer the child and their family.
If a child puts themselves or others at
risk of serious harm the use of physical intervention may be appropriate and the
involvement of community police or other emergency services may be necessary for
the safety of all concerned.
What is in place to support
vulnerable children?
(See Appendix A)
All children are allowed to bring
in a small toy or other transitional item from home. These can include small
cuddly toys, small electronic toys, books etc.
Lead Behaviour Professional
Learning Mentors
School Counsellor
Nurture Groups
Knowledgeable and empathic staff,
who have a good understanding of how best to meet the needs of vulnerable
Links with outside agencies such
Weekly pastoral meeting for all
staff in school to highlight children in need
Termly PARMs meetings
Pastoral Support Programmes
PSHE/SEAL Curriculum
Early intervention discussions
between teachers and SENCo
Early identification of poor
attendance and referral made to EWA and EWO
Breakfast club
Playtime and Lunchtime Clubs
A small quiet area in the
playground for those children who find social interaction on a large scale
(playtimes) too much of a challenge
Programme of appropriate
Continuing Professional Development to ensure that training needs of staff are
Signposting of parenting support
such as Triple P programme or involvement of Family Linx worker
Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
and Team around the child
How does the Extended
schools agenda contribute to a Culture for Learning?
At Middle Street Primary School, in
order to meet the Core Offer of Extended Services in and around school, we
· Child
Care - Breakfast club and
variety of after school care clubs collecting from school
Access to sports, arts and
study support – A variety of
after school clubs,
football, basketball, tag rugby, KS1 sports club, art clubs,
knitting club,
ICT club, choir etc.
Community Access
- Use of the school by local community e.g hire of school
hall for activities by community groups.
Often children and
from the school have access to these activities
Family Support
– We can signpost parents/carers to the Triple P parenting
courses. We are proactive in getting the
appropriate help for
parents carers,
including the use of our Family Linx worker to
provide in home
Swift and easy access to
specialist support services –
We are proactive in
our best to access the support that children and their
need. This can include health services (including
Speech Therapy,
School Nurse), behaviour intervention services
and child and family support (School Counsellor and
Family Linx Worker) and the use of the Common
Assessment Framework (CAF)
policy should be read in conjunction with the Middle Street Anti Bullying
Policy, Race Equalities and Disability Equality Duty Scheme.
Appendix A
How we Support Children Pastorally at Middle
Street School
At Middle Street we believe that to
enable children to learn they must have access to a range of strategies to deal
with their varying emotional needs.
All members of staff meet and the Deputy
identifies children who may need extra support throughout the school day,
especially at playtimes. Relevant information that is new to the school is
shared with staff. This means that staff members can then be feed back relevant
observations (e.g. friendship issues) to the class teachers who in turn can
speak to the parents/carers where necessary.
We have 2 counsellors who are available
for children to discuss their concerns or worries with. The counsellors liaise
with parents to ensure they have a full picture of the child and their needs
before they begin to work with a child. Referrals can be made by parents/carers,
teachers and children can self refer and parental permission will be sought.
We currently have two learning mentors
who work in the quiet room to support children with their social and emotional
needs. Learning mentors can also offer support for families. Parents/carers
permission is sought before work begins.
We have an experienced Education
Assistant who works in the quiet room to develop children’s self esteem through
nurture groups.
Class teachers, Education Assistants,
the Deputy and Headteacher are available for bubble time. This time means a 1:1
discussion that cannot be interrupted by another child or adult. It gives
children the chance to discuss their concerns or worries in a quiet situation.
Children in Year 6 apply for the
position of playground buddy. They have six weeks training to enable them to
support their peers at playtime. They do this by initiating exciting games,
assisting children who cannot find anyone to play with and helping children
to solve disagreements with support form Education Assistants on duty. They
can also give children certificates with the support of the Education
Playtime and Lunchtime Clubs
Children who would like to spend
playtimes in a quieter and less boisterous environment have access to the
playtime clubs that take place in the library. The clubs are skilfully run
by an Education Assistant and our 2 learning mentors. This ensures
continuity for the children and allows them to build up strong relationships
with the staff.
This is a whole class discussion
lead by the teacher, where everybody’s thoughts are valued. The children get
to voice their opinions and concerns about a range of subjects. It also
develops communication skills
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship
Education (PSHCE)
A structured programme is delivered
across the school which addresses issues such as healthy eating, choices and
making a difference in our community.
Each class from Year 1 to Year 6 has
two school council representatives. They attend the monthly meetings and
report their decisions back to their class. The children’s voices are
recognised and appreciated and they can see their ideas coming to life.
Each class works with a structured
set of social stories which address the feelings and actions of the
characters involved. This helps children to question their choices and helps
them to assess the effects certain choices have on other people around them.
Appendix B
Middle Street Managing Negative Behaviour Guidance