Middle Street Primary School and Nursery is a learning community for
all, where children are valued equally. We will not tolerate and will
challenge discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender identity,
sexuality, religion, ethnicity, culture, social background, special
educational need or disability. We will promote positive attitudes
towards and will celebrate the diversity of families and cultures in the
school, and in the local and wider communities.
It is important that everyone at Middle Street Primary School treats each
other with respect.
We have all got equal rights, but we may sometimes need to be treated
differently: fair means that everybody gets what they need, not that
everybody gets the same.
We will not put up with:
Name calling
Being unkind
Making anyone feel unhappy about themselves because of a person’s race,
colour, religion, how clever they are, if they find their work difficult, if
they are a boy or a girl, if they have a disability, no matter what they
look like.
We will help each other by:
Being kind
Encouraging good
Being proud of ourselves and what makes us all different
and what makes us all the same
recognise and welcome our equality duties as set out in the Equality Act
2010 and have due regard to the need to:
discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act,
equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic
people who do not share
good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a
characteristic and people
who do not share it.
We recognise that it is unlawful to discriminate against a pupil,
prospective pupil or a member of
staff by treating them less favourably if they have protected
age (staff only),
religion or belief,
sexual orientation,
gender reassignment,
pregnancy or maternity (staff only)
We link our work on equality to our duties under the Education Reform Act
1988 to provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum which:
promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of
pupils at the school and of society; and
prepares such pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences
of adult life.’
We take seriously our duty to show due regard and this is evidenced through
minutes of meetings and through the completion of equality impact
We welcome the involvement of and feedback from the school community on the
information and objectives published. We also actively aim to recruit
parents and carers who belong to protected groups to our governing body and
Parent Teachers Association. Please speak to the Head teacher with any
feedback, feedback via other staff members or via parent and carer meetings.
Middle Street Primary and Nursery school is a popular, oversubscribed one
form entry school situated in the city centre of Brighton and Hove. The
school serves a diverse community with children from a wide range of ethnic,
cultural, social and family backgrounds reflecting the diversity within
Brighton and Hove as a whole:
SEN: 22% (Raise Online 2012 –National 18.5%)
EAL: 14.7% (Raise Online 2012 - National 17.5%)
Ethnic Minority: 38.8% (Raise Online 2012 - National 27.7%)
The largest group of pupils state they have ‘no religion’. The other
religions represented in our school, according to records, are Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. We are also aware that there may be
or are children in our school community who question their gender identity
and may express their gender identity in a way that does not conform to
stereotypical norms or the sex they were born as. We are also aware that
children in our school may grow up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. We also
know that our staff, parents and carers will be represented across all the
protected groups.
The school building is not an easily accessible building and outside areas
are limited in physical space. This could be seen as a challenge but the
school community make every effort to positively work round the
accessibility difficulties and work hard to ensure the indoor and outdoor
space is used imaginatively and the intimate nature of the space is often
considered to be a bonus contributing to positive behaviour and
collaborative learning.
Equality of opportunity
At Middle Street we expect the highest possible standards. Staff have high
expectations of all pupils and continually challenge them to reach higher
The school recognises and values all forms of achievement. We will annual
monitor and analyse pupil performance by ethnicity, religion, gender,
disability and special educational need and social background. Where we
have information related to any other protected characteristic we will apply
this. Any disparities which are identified will be addressed through
targeted curriculum planning, teaching and support.
We will annually report pupil performance by protected characteristic to
school governors.
The 2012 analysis of our school attainment data showed:
differences in the achievements of boys and girls in some areas of
reading writing and maths
difference in the attainment of children with English as a second
Language compared to children who have English as their first language
Equality of
opportunity objectives:
To close the gap for EAL (English and maths) and SEN (maths L5) children in
English and Maths in KS2
Improve attainment for girls in KS1 and KS2 in English
Fostering good relations:
In our school we take pride in the range of work we do to foster good relations
and in fact 96% of our
pupils feel safe at school and 90% agreed that the school
helps them to get on with others (Safe and Well
School Survey 2012).
2009 Ofsted report states:
‘The contribution the school makes to community cohesion is good. A plan and
clear actions are in place for promoting pupils' understanding from a local
perspective. Links with other schools and agencies are harnessed very well.’
The impact of the school's outstanding support, guidance and care is evident in
the pupils' consistently high standards of behaviour and social skills. Pupils'
knowledge of how to keep safe is outstanding. They are given an excellent
grounding in good citizenship and in contributing to the community through, for
example, being playground buddies’.
We aim to foster good relations by:
regular staff training on at least one aspect of equality and diversity.
Ensuring the
whole school environment and curriculum reflects the diverse community within
which we live. We aim for all pupils in our school to see themselves reflected
in the stories we read, the assemblies we hold and in our displays and
Giving clear messages about expectations as part of school
values and this includes regular assemblies which may make use of the Equality
Calendar. For example we regularly celebrate Black History Month, LGBT History
Month and Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month.
reviewing and developing the PSHE Education curriculum so that it provides
opportunities to explore values and attitudes, understand similarities and
differences and builds understanding of different groups and out own identities.
appropriate we use the curriculum to explore global perspectives including
working with schools in this country and wider
The charity
work that is lead by pupils also helps to foster good relations.
Using our
Pupil Equalities Team to review and develop our practice, including auditing how
inclusive our environment and resources are
For pupils
who struggle to understand the importance of respect for others we have a range
of interventions including buddy systems, learning mentor support, processes
such as ‘team around the class’, small groups work and discussions with the
Police Neighbourhood Schools Officer.
We are aware of wider prejudice issues within our society related to gender and
gender identity and are seeking a preventative approach through our curriculum.
Fostering good relations objective
Review the
PSHE including sex and relationship education curriculum to ensure gender
stereotypes are being challenged and pupils supported to develop healthy
relationships and keep safe now and in the future
Eliminating discrimination
We work in partnership with parents and carers, pupils and the whole school
community to prevent all forms of bullying and prejudiced based behaviour and
you can read more about our approach to bullying and eliminating discrimination
in our Anti-Bullying Policy, Equality Policy and Sex and Relationship Education
Policy. The last Ofsted Report for our School (2009) stated that: ‘The
school takes its duty to promote equal opportunities seriously. It values the
opinions of parents and pupils and acts upon these to ensure all are treated
Bullying and prejudiced based incidents are recorded. These records are used to
inform the assembly programme and the PSHE education curriculum and to support
and track individual pupils. Incidents are discussed during pastoral meetings
and reported termly to governors meetings. The school also participates in the
local authority Safe and Well School Survey this data is also analysed and used
to measure impact and inform next steps. This data is reported back to the whole
school community on an annual basis.
Our understanding of how discrimination could affect groups of our pupils /
students is further informed by national research such as that from
(homophobic bullying), research complied by the
Anti-Bullying Alliance and local documents such as the
Domestic Violence Needs
The results from the Safe and Well School Survey show that the reported rate of
bullying is lower than the city average and 88% of pupils report our ‘school is
good at dealing with bullying’.
We actively encourage parents and carers to report bullying and prejudiced based
incidents to us and this has happened on several occasions. However, we are
pleased to say that we have received no complaints from parents and carers about
how we are dealing with bullying and discrimination in our school.
We have recognised a need to ensure our systems for recording prejudiced based
incidents are extended beyond recording racism.
Eliminating discrimination objective
· To
develop school systems to record bullying and incidents by all protected groups
· To
develop whole school understanding of definitions of bullying and prejudiced
based incidents
In 2013-14
this may result in an initial increase in numbers of prejudice based incidents