Minutes of Governor's Meeting Thursday 14th
March 2013
Julie Aldous, Angie Atter, Alastair Cato, Anna Clark
(Acting Chair), Vanessa McGeachin, Melanie
Smith, Terry Stewart, Ruth Williams.
Katie Jones attended
(Gill Brill-Clerk)
The meeting was quorate as 8 governors required
to attend for the meeting to be quorate - 10
governors attended.
1. Apologies for Absence
Benita Matofska has tendered her resignation
from the governing
as a parent governor, therefore the Clerk will organise an
election to replace her.
Apologies received and accepted from Andy James, and Ray Williams
Andy James is having some time away and will
rejoin in September. No apologies
received Andrea Leahy.
As the chair was absent, Anna Clark - Vice Chair acted as chair.
Declaration of Interest in an Agenda Item
None declared.
To agree minutes of meetings of
15th November 2012
The minutes were agreed and signed by the Vice-Chair.
Matters Arising
None other than the action points:
Item 5:
The curriculum committee visits took place during the week commencing 21stJanuary.
A questionnaire has been sent out to parents on
Item 11:
the training with John Samuels has been booked for Wednesday 27th
5. Committee Reports
Curriculum Committee met on
29th November
• Ruth Williams was elected as
• Visits were planned for week beginning 28th January
The focus for the visit was on Feedback for
Learning - expansive education: from year 1 to
year 6
the teachers spend time with each child giving them feedback on their learning.
Terry Stewart visited Year 3 - he gave a
verbal report on his visit. He spent time
with a group finding out about
fractions. Terry also asked if the committee could
meet after the individual visit to make
one report.
Anna Clark visited Year 2 - she gave a verbal
report and the class was being
introduced to a new book
Ruth Williams visited Year 6 and her report was
circulated to all governors
Resource Committee met on
5th February
the committee discussed the nursery costs and
the clawback of funding from the
budget due to low numbers attending the
All governors need to complete the skills matrix for the SFVS.
Outstanding debt for hiring the school hall
has been paid.
The Pay Policy for 2012/was agreed.
the Clerk asked TS and AC to email their written reports to her.
Arrange a meeting with the curriculum members to discuss their visits.
Clerk to send the skills matrix for the SFVS to all governors.
School Improvement Plan
The governors
had received a copy of the Autumn and Spring improvement
plan and a copy
of the school partnership plan.
Autumn Term- Feedback for learning
Spelling tests and a maths workshop for
children and parents had been arranged.
Dominic and Julie had observed 13 lessons
during this term and feedback given to the
teachers on what went well and areas for
improvement - 8 were good/outstanding and 5
were satisfactory. There has been an
improvement shown this term.
Spring Term
Targets - for writers to achieve level 3.
Staff from Dorothy Stringer School has trained
some of our staff to teach level 6 in maths.
Lesson study, peer coaching and peer support
to develop teaching skills, also funding is
available from the partnership to improve
coaching and observation skills.
Becs Davies & Dominic Smart attending a
training session with Pie Corbett on grammar.
The governor's training with John Samuels will
look at effective teams linked into the new
Ofsted framework.
Head's Report
Julie highlighted various sections of the her
Closing the Gap this was an inset day organised by the Partnership
and there were
some excellent workshops for the staff to
attend and it was a good opportunity for
staff to network with colleagues from the other partnership schools.
ECAR - Every Child a Reader. We have a
brilliant teacher and her work is having an
excellent impact on the children she is
working with.
Julie is attending a conference run by John
Hattie on Visible Learning.
Four staff are still on maternity leave.
Julie is meeting with a representative from
the DfE to develop a teaching school
alliance in our partnership and exploring ways
to formalise the partnership.
• Ofsted letter - really good news that
Middle Street will not be inspected before Autumn 2014.
Safeguarding Update
The Safeguarding Audit has been updated by Julie and
returned to the LA.
Governors Visits
None have taken place other than the Curriculum
Committee, but the governors can arrange
a visit at any time.
Business Continuity Plan
This was agreed by the full governing body and signed by the Chair.
Correspondence Received by Chair
None received.
Any Other Business
13. Date of next meeting
20th June 2013
The governors gained an understanding of how
the school is improving the “Quality First Teacher”.
Gained an understanding of the priorities and
progress of the single school
improvement plan.