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Middle Street Primary  & Nursery School






Section No.




General Policy Statement



Organisation within the School



Arrangements for Health and Safety



Safety Responsibilities of Groups and Individuals



School Health and Safety Committee



Crisis Management



General Emergency Procedures



Fire Policy, Procedures & Bomb Incident Management



First Aid Procedures



Accident Recording and Reporting



Health Issues - smoking, alcohol, drugs, staff wellbeing and new and expectant mothers.



Risk Assessment



Work Specific Hazards - DSE, Electrical equipment, Machinery and Equipment, Manual Handling, Housekeeping, Offsite Visits, Hazardous Substances, Noise at Work, Lettings.



Use of minibuses and other Vehicles



Administration of Medicines



Training and Information



Monitoring Health and Safety






Trade Union Safety Representatives



Safety Policy Review





Appendix 1

List of Useful Contacts within School



Record Keeping



1. General Policy Statement


The headteacher and governors of Middle Street Primary School believe that the health and safety of persons within the school is of paramount importance.  It is our intent to prevent accidents and occupational ill health and where possible eliminate hazards in the workplace.

It is the intent of the Headteacher and governors of the school to ensure that a safe and healthy workplace is provided and maintained for all our employees.  This will include the provision of safe systems of work, safe plant and equipment and a safe access and egress to the premises. We will ensure that adequate information, instruction, training and supervision is provided to ensure that staff can carry out their work safely.

The headteacher and governors will ensure that others who are affected by our activities are not subjected to risks to their health and safety. This will include pupils, visitors, parents, volunteers and contractors.

These responsibilities will be achieved by the establishment of an effective health and safety management system within the school. This will involve the implementation of arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures.  In addition the headteacher and governors will undertake to ensure compliance with policy and guidance produced by Brighton and Hove City Council.

The headteacher and governors will ensure that adequate resources are identified for health and safety.

We believe that health and safety standards will be maintained only with the co-operation of all staff, pupils and visitors to the school.   We expect all staff to co-operate fully with this policy. In addition we will ensure that all pupils, visitors and contractors are provided with the information they require to enable them to comply with this policy and remain safe.

It is the intention of the headteacher and governors that procedures to ensure relevant health and safety issues are embedded within the curriculum at all levels where appropriate.

The effectiveness of the policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that health and safety arrangements are being implemented and that the people named in the policy are carrying out their duties.


The policy will be reviewed annually and revised where necessary.

Signed           .........................           Headteacher                         Date    …………             This policy was endorsed by the Resource Committee at their meeting on 9th February 2012

Signed           .........................           Chair of Governors             Date    …………






2. Organisation within the School to meet the requirements of  the General Policy Statement.


Ultimately the responsibility for all School organisation and activity rests by definition, with the Headteacher. However all staff have a responsibility towards safety with the specific lines of delegation being set out as shown below.






3.  Safety Responsibilities of Groups and Individuals


3.1         The Governing Body


The Governing Body in its role as controller of premises  will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of employees and others (e.g. contractors, pupils, visitors) in accordance with Section  2 and 4 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.


In order to discharge this responsibility, the Governing Body will:

a.    Ensure that the Local Authority’s Health and Safety Policy is complemented by the School's Health and Safety Policy, that these procedures are kept up-to-date and that positive arrangements are in place to ensure that all staff and students are aware of and comply with its contents;

b.    Ensure that the policy contains rigorous and comprehensive systems for active monitoring (auditing health and safety management systems, inspections and risk assessments), reactive monitoring (accident/incident investigation) and for rectifying identified faults within the School;

c.    Ensure there is adequate provision both in staffing, facilities and resources to allow the school to meet both its legal and moral obligations with respect to health, safety and welfare;

d.    Receive updates on the school development plan for health and safety at each meeting from the Health and Safety Coordinator/ Health and Safety Governor/ sub-committee in order to enable the Governing body to monitor the adequacy of arrangements and take any action necessary;

e.    To consider information, statistics and reports relating to health, safety and welfare matters;

f.     To consider and make recommendations regarding individual health and safety issues which have not been resolved at management level;


3.2         Headteacher


The Headteacher has overall responsibility for safety policy, organisation and arrangements throughout the School and will:


a.    Provide liaison with Inspectors and outside bodies concerned with safety and health: Local Authority, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCFS) (previously DfES) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) with regard to safety aspects;

b.    Budget for safety and health matters;

c.    Review the Safety Policy annually and when significant changes occur within the organisation of the school;

d.    Develop, introduce, maintain and review safety management procedures to ensure the school complies with legislative requirements and good industry practice e.g. risk assessments including fire, display screen equipment and manual handling;

e.    Ensure health and safety issues associated with major building projects are complied with;


f.     Nominate specific staff with designated safety roles, e.g. Health and Safety Coordinator, throughout the school.

g.    Ensure that routine maintenance checks and inspections required by legislation of fixed service equipment (i.e. boilers, lifts, pressure vessels, portable appliance testing (PAT) etc) are undertaken;

h.    Ensure that all incidents are reported to the Health Safety & Wellbeing team within 5 days of the incident and to monitor incidents to identify methods of reducing accidents. Ensure the necessary records of incidents are maintained;

i.      Chair the Health and Safety Committee, or nominate a member of senior management team to undertake this activity (if in place within school);

j.      Make an annual report on safety matters to the Board of Governors.

k.    Ensure that health and safety is considered as an integral part of teaching and the course syllabi, both in preparation of new course submissions and in their reviews;

l.      Identify staff training requirements to allow the school to comply with legislative and good industry practice that relate to or affect health, safety and welfare.

m.  Instigate appropriate disciplinary action where it is shown that staff have ignored or shown a disregard for health and safety matters outlined within the Safety Policy, School Codes of Practice or health and safety legislation.

n.    Ensure that Safety Inspections are carried out at termly intervals, recorded and that necessary remedial action is carried out.

o.    Develop and establish emergency procedures, and organise fire evacuation practices within the school.

p.    Ensure that health and safety is taken into account when considering any proposed or impending changes e.g. building works, room allocation/ usage etc;

q.    Safety procedures are developed and adhered to for operations carried out within the School by their staff and by outside contractors under their control.

r.     Ensure the provision and maintenance of all ‘fire’ equipment, including the preparation and review of Fire Risk Assessments;

s.    Have a general oversight of health and first aid matters.

t.      Monitor the general safety programme.

u.    Communicate and publicise safety matters as appropriate to staff, contractors, visitors, pupils (as appropriate.)

v.    All full and part-time staff receive appropriate health and safety training at induction which must include emergency arrangements (i.e. first aid, fire and accident reporting), and an introduction to the Safety Policy outlining restricted tasks and activities.

w.   Ensure adequate numbers of staff are provided with appropriate training so that they can support the following management arrangements.

Ø  First aid.

Ø  Fire and emergency evacuation.

Ø  Risk assessments, including fire, display screen equipment, manual handling, substances hazardous to health and general risk assessments.





The Deputy Head  will assume these duties in the absence of the Headteacher and has the authority to make and implement decisions throughout the school at any level if there is:

·      immediate danger, or,

·      dangerous practice, or

·      breach of the law.


3.3         The School Health & Safety Coordinator


The School Health and Safety Coordinator is responsible for the co-ordination of health and safety management throughout the School.


Additionally, the Health and Safety Co-ordinator will:


a)    Make an annual report, in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team and assisted by the Heads of Key Stage, on safety matters to the Headteacher and the Board of Governors;

b)    Assist with inspections and safety audits;

c)    Investigate and advise on hazards and precautions (and seek assistance from the Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team if the issue is outside their level of competence);

d)    Develop and establish emergency procedures, and organise fire evacuation practices within the school;

e)    Have a general oversight of health and first aid matters;

f)     Monitor the general safety programme on behalf of the Headteacher;

g)    Make recommendations to Headteacher for matters requiring immediate attention, e.g. changes to legislation, outcomes of safety inspections;

h)   Make recommendations to the Headteacher on matters of safety policy in compliance with new and modified legislation;

i)     Communicate and publicise safety matters as appropriate to staff, contractors, visitors, pupils (as appropriate);

j)     Liaise with outside bodies concerned with safety and health e.g. Health, Safety & Wellbeing team at Kings House;

k)    Monitor accidents to identify trends and  introduce methods of reducing accidents;


3.4         Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC)            


a.    To be involved in educational visit management in order to ensure that the Local Authority Off-site Guidance is followed;

b.    To work with group leaders to ensure that the aims of the educational visit are achievable and in line with those of the establishment;

c.    To work with the group leader to ensure there is a ‘plan B’ in the event of adverse weather, transport issues, emergencies etc.

d.    Use the online outdoor educational visits approval system ‘Evolve’ for all hazardous and residential trips;

e.    Ensure that the schools educational visits meet the Local Authorities requirements;

f.     To confirm that adequate risk assessments have been carried out;


g.    Support the headteacher in the management and evaluation of educational visits;

h.    Confirm the leadership of the group competent and appropriate, including accompanying staff and volunteers;

i.      Confirm adequate first aid cover is provided;

j.      Keep their EVC training up to date;

k.    Ensure any incidents that take place on a trip are recorded and copies provided to the Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team.


3.5         Heads of Key Stage & Managers within Support Departments


Each Head of Key Stage and Managers within Support departments are responsible to their manager for the provision of safe working conditions for staff and students and in particular to:


a.    Prepare reports on safety matters for the meeting of the  Headteacher/Governing Body/ Senior Management.

b.    Notify the Headteacher/colleagues of any proposed or impending changes affecting safety, health and welfare, in room allocation or usage.

c.    Ensure safety inspections of their designated areas are carried out and to ensure hazards identified from those inspections are rectified.

d.    Ensure that safety procedures are developed and adhered to for operations carried out within their area of responsibility.

e.    Budget for safety equipment for his/her area of responsibility (if appropriate);

f.     Carry out or delegate the undertaking of risk assessments which include manual handling, COSHH, and to ensure details are documented and that appropriate action is carried out.

g.    Ensure all portable electrical equipment is tested on a regular basis (annually).

h.    Ensure all accidents within their section are recorded on the appropriate incident forms and sent to the Health Safety & Wellbeing team within 5 days of the incident.  Investigate reports of accidents and dangerous occurrences in their designated areas.

i.      Ensure equipment, including personal protection equipment, is maintained in a safe condition and that substances hazardous to health are stored in a safe place.

j.      Identify staff development requirements with reference to health and safety.

k.    Attend to defect reports and recommendations from the Headteacher, staff, Safety Representatives and the Health and Safety Co-ordinator.

l.      Circulate publicity relating to safety matters to staff within their control.


3.6         Subject Leaders


            Each subject leader is responsible for:

a.    Developing policies based on Children’s Services guidance documents for their specialist area;

b.    Updating colleagues within the school in any change in practice;

c.    Issuing safety guidance for their curriculum area;

d.    Carrying out risk assessments for their specialist areas.

3.7         Teachers


Teachers are responsible to their Head of Key Stage for the immediate safety of the students in his/her classroom. Nominated teachers are responsible for their own classroom and associated equipment and as such it is their responsibility to ensure that it is maintained to a high standard with respect to health and safety issues.


Additionally, each teacher will:

a.    Follow safe working procedures personally;

b.    Give adequate safety information regarding the activity being undertaken prior to the activity commencing and during the activity as and when required;

c.    Ensure that special working procedures, protective clothing and equipment, etc., are provided and used where necessary.

d.    Ensure that the classroom and other areas are tidy and good housekeeping procedures are followed;

e.     Ensure that clear instructions and warnings are given to pupils verbally and in writing as often as necessary;

f.      Undertake a visual inspection of equipment prior to use and ensure that any portable electrical equipment they use is made available for testing;

g.    Report defects and make recommendations to their line manager where necessary;

h.    Ensure all accidents, incidents and near misses within their area of responsibility are recorded in line with the school policy.

i.      Ensure they understand and follow emergency arrangements for their areas of responsibility.


3.8         Teaching Assistants


The teaching assistant is immediately responsible to the teacher whilst the class is in session; otherwise their line manager is Deputy Head Teacher


Additionally, the teaching assistants will:

a.    Follow safe working procedures personally;

b.    Be familiar with the general and particular safety rules/ emergency arrangements that apply to their area of work;

c.    Ensure that the classroom and other areas are tidy and good housekeeping standards are maintained;

d.    Undertake a visual inspection of equipment prior to use and ensure that portable electrical equipment they use is made available for testing;

e.     Report defects to his/her line manager;

f.     Ensure all accidents, incidents and near misses within their area of responsibility are recorded in line with the school policy.


3.9       First Aid Coordinator


When on duty the First Aid Coordinator is responsible for supporting health and welfare issues within the School and in particular:

a.    to be responsible for attending to and monitoring student or

visitor illness/injury and to refer pupils to their own doctor or

hospital as appropriate;

b.    To maintain the school medical rooms and equipment;

c.    To monitor student health records prior to entry and to report/advise Headteacher of illnesses that need to be brought to the attention of specific staff (e.g. epilepsy, allergies etc);

d.    To assist in the monitoring of first aid equipment and boxes on School site;

e.    To assist in the development and health promotion activities at the School;

f.     Ensure adequate numbers of staff are trained in first aid procedures (to cover trips, sickness, etc) and to co-ordinate the work of the First Aiders;

g.    To ensure the necessary records are maintained relating to accidents associated with the work of the school.


3.10Site Manager/Caretaker


The Site Manager/ Caretaker will:


a.    Ensure that routine maintenance checks and inspections required by legislation of fixed service equipment, i.e. boilers, pressure vessels etc. are undertaken;

b.    Ensure that premises safety inspections are undertaken e.g. weekly, bi-termly, and keep records of any faults identified (if appropriate);

c.    Attend to defect reports and recommendations from the Headteacher, staff, Safety Representative and Health and Safety Coordinator;

d.    Ensure all portable electrical equipment is tested on an annual basis;

e.    Keep records of hazards identified on site by staff and the remedial action taken and when;

f.     Ensure safety procedures are developed and adhered to for operations carried out within the School by their staff and by outside contractors under their control;

g.    When liaising with contractors, ensure they have had sight of the Asbestos Register;

h.    Ensure equipment, including personal protection equipment is maintained in a safe condition and that substances hazardous to health are stored in a safe place;

i.      Ensure all accidents, incidents and near misses within their area of responsibility are recorded in line with the school policy.


3.11Trade Union Safety Representatives


In accordance with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations the safety representatives will, where appointed:


a.    Represent the employees in consultation with the employer and with their representative; investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences at the workplace and examine the causes of accidents at the workplace;

b.    Investigate complaints by any employee he/she represents relating to health and safety and welfare at work;

c.    Represent employees in consultations with inspectors of the

Health and Safety Executive and of any other enforcing authority;

d.    Receive information from inspectors;

e.    Attend meetings of safety committees to which they are elected;

f.     Inspect the workplace if they have given the employer or their representative reasonable notice in writing of their intention to do so and have not inspected it in the previous three months. They may carry out additional inspections where there are substantial changes in work conditions.


3.12Staff Liaising with Contractors


Staff liaising with contractors carrying out work at the School have a responsibility to take appropriate action if they observe the contractor or his employees using any working practice or item of equipment which the member of staff considers to be dangerous or potentially dangerous. Such action could include reporting the matter to the Headteacher/Site Manager/Caretaker for them to rectify or, failing that, reporting to the Health Safety & Wellbeing team.


Staff must ensure that a contractor arriving at site, report to Reception and a nominated person ensures that the contractors are informed of any hazards on the school site e.g. providing access to the asbestos register.  Approval must also be gained by the contractor to start work. Only those staff nominated by the Headteacher to liaise with the contractors must undertake this activity due to the procedures put in place by the school to implement the Council’s Policy on Safeguarding, Asbestos and the Management of Contractors.


3.13Members of Staff Generally


Each member of staff is responsible for his or her own personal safety and that of other persons in the School by the proper observation of School rules and procedures (e.g. by ensuring visitors report to the Reception Area on arrival at the school.)


Staff are reminded of the general duty imposed by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 at Sections 7 and 8 viz.:     


            'It shall be the duty of every employee while at work

a)  to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work, and,

b)  as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.'


  'No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health. safe or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions,'


            Staff are also reminded that they must provide notice of three months if qualifications relating to Health & Safety are due to expire, e.g. First Aid.



4. School Health and Safety Committee


The School Health and Safety Committee representing the various groups within the School is comprised of:


·      Headteacher

·      Member of the Governing Body

·      1 Member of senior management team

·      2 staff representatives (teaching and support staff)

·      Health and Safety Coordinator

·      Union Safety Representatives (1 representative from each of the recognised staff unions)


Where possible efforts are made to ensure as wide a spread of curriculum and support areas of the school are represented.


4.1 Overall Function and Objective


The provision of effective communication and consultation between management and employees in order that the health, safety and welfare policy is properly maintained and developed.


     4.2 Specific Functions


·      To consider information, statistics and reports relating to health, safety and welfare matters affecting the operational area covered by the Committee generally and to make recommendations/observations to the Governing  Body accordingly.

·      To consider and make recommendations to the Governing Body regarding individual health and safety problems which have not been resolved at operational management/ safety representative level, or at section level.

·      To develop policy to improve and maintain health and safety issues for staff and pupils.

·      To encourage the implementation and maintenance of effective safety rules and practices at departmental level.

·      To encourage effective communication regarding health, safety and welfare matters.


Note:  before considering any individual health, safety and welfare problem, the School Health and Safety Committee, will satisfy itself that all possible steps have been taken to resolve the problem at departmental/ section level.  The Committee shall not normally consider such cases until the above action has been taken. In the event of a safety matter not being resolved within the Committee, any representative is free to take the matter up with the Governing Body through their staff representative.


NB: Where health and safety committees are not in place, consultation processes must be arranged by the school and summarised in this section.


5.  Crisis Management


A crisis management team has been set up to assist in the reduction of major hazards and risks and to action a recovery plan in the event of a serious accident.


5.1 Membership of the Crisis Management Team:

·         The Headteacher

·         Health and Safety Coordinator

·         Site Manager/Caretaker


5.2 Function of the Crisis Management Team


The function of the Crisis Management Team is to:


·         Act as the decision-making authority for the management of an incident.

·         Develop the procedures and practices to be used for handling emergency situations and communicating these to all employees within the school.

·         Establish and maintain a crisis management ‘centre’.  The ‘centre’ will have the necessary equipment available for rapid activation during an emergency.  The equipment includes communications equipment, emergency plans and procedures, a log to record all actions taken during the crisis, necessary office equipment and supplies and appropriate maps and building plans.

·         To assess the nature, degree and likelihood of threats to the schools interests (personnel, facilities, information and other assets) in order to determine the vulnerability to those threats of the schools personnel, facilities or assets.

·         To test the crisis management plan on a regular basis to ensure that it is feasible and realistic.  Whenever the plan is found to be deficient immediate corrections will be made.


6.  General Emergency Procedures


The summoning of emergency services is carried out byHeadteacher and School Office Team.  They will also contact:


·         A member of the Senior Management Team  - [for information]

·         Deputy Headteacher - [if students are involved]

·         Site Manager/Caretaker – [for access/ to isolate electrical supplies etc.]


In the event of a major disaster the Crisis Management Team and the Council’s Civil Contingencies Team are contacted (tel. 296699 or the on call number: 07540 675 169 for out of hour emergencies.) The Civil Contingencies Team will inform ‘MIST’ – the Council’s Major Incident Strategic Team if appropriate.


7.  Fire Policy and Procedures & Bomb Incident Management


The school holds a site specific Fire Safety Policy, Evacuation Plan and Fire Risk Assessment. These documents outline the schools fire risks, how they are managed and the instructions to be followed in the event of an emergency.


In the event of a suspected bomb threat, the Crisis Management Team will liaise with the Police, LEA and Fire Brigade and follow their advice on the evacuation procedure and assembly point.  This will then be communicated to staff, pupils, visitors, etc by an appropriate means. Any member of staff who receives information regarding a bomb on-site must immediately inform the headteacher or a member of senior management in their absence.


8.  First Aid Procedure – (see also the Councils First Aid Standard)


The school has carried out a First Aid needs assessment and has identified the following requirement:


-There will be at least 18 people on the staff who will have current first aid training, of which 16 will be qualified first aiders and 2 will be appointed persons.

- There will be 3 pediatric first aiders.

Qualified First Aiders have completed the First Aid at Work 3 day initial training, followed by 2 day refreshers every 3 years and an annual ½ day refresher.


The named first aiders for the school are listed in Appendix A at the end of this document and also published in school on the first aid procedures poster and staff responsibility list.


First aid boxes are kept in the medical bay, playground and hall. The First Aid Coordinator provides first aid support and maintains a central supply of first aid materials to supplement first aid boxes.  Parents are expected to inform the school if their child has an allergy and a list of any such children is kept and displayed in the office.


All injuries which come to staff attention, no matter how slight, are recorded in the First Aid Book and/or HS2 Incident form. There is a first aid book and “bump notes” available with all boxes to be completed by the person administering first aid.  In case of doubt as to whether or not a child’s parent should be immediately alerted, staff contact a member of the school office team or in their absence Headteacher. In the event of an accident, if the parents (and their nominated contacts) are unavailable, the pupil may be sent to hospital to err on the side of caution.  In these cases the pupil will be accompanied by a member of staff.


Every parent will be informed of the schools arrangements for First Aid each school year.

9. Accident Recording and Reporting 


In the event of an accident the following procedure is followed:

·      Any equipment is turned off.

·      A call for help is made – including First Aid assistance.

·      The qualified First Aider will judge whether the injury is of a minor or major nature. If minor the First Aider will provide appropriate treatment.

·      If a major injury an ambulance will be called immediately without undue delay due to attempting to contact parents or guardians.

·      If the injured person requires hospital treatment but an ambulance is not necessary, the Headteacher is responsible for arranging for a member of staff to transport the student/staff to hospital.


The member of staff taking the injured person will:


·      stay with the injured person and return with them; or

·      stay with the injured person until the parent/guardian arrives at the hospital  and return to school.


All staff report any accident (or near misses) involving either themselves, visitors or volunteer helpers by recording the details on the Incident Report form HS2.  Pupil accidents, depending on the severity are either reported in the First Aid book or Incident Report form HS2. If the incident involves intentional violence/harassment or verbal/written abuse, it will be reported using the Violent Incident Occurrence Report Form HS3.


The School Business Manager in liaison with the Headteacher  ensures that these forms are forwarded to the Health, Safety & Wellbeing team at Kings House, Room 300, Open Plan, Hove within 5 days.   As the authority is obliged to report certain categories of injury or dangerous occurrence to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) it is important that the Health, Safety & Wellbeing team are notified at the earliest opportunity of accidents or incidents that are of a serious nature to determine if the HSE should be informed.


All accidents are investigated to prevent a re-occurrence. The investigation is recorded on Part B of the HS2 form.  The Headteacher monitors accidents to identify any trends.  The Governor’s sub committee  also receive information on accidents on a termly basis. The Health, Safety & Wellbeing team will investigate certain incidents/accidents following receipt of the HS2/ HS3 form.


10.  Health Issues


10.1      Smoking – (see also the Council Policy on No Smoking)


In an effort to reduce the risk to health from passive smoking, smoking is not allowed in school.


10.2      Alcohol and Drug Abuse – (see also the Council Policy on Drugs and Alcohol)


Staff attending work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs creates an unprofessional image of the school and increases the risk of accidents both to themselves and to colleagues. To minimise the probability of accidents from alcohol or drug abuse, staff whose judgment is impaired will be excluded from work and will be subject to disciplinary procedures.


           School staff have access to the Staff Welfare Counselling Services  Tel:

           01273 481738, who can provide confidential help and support.

Some drugs prescribed for medical reasons are likely to impair judgment and lower concentration. If staff feel they are affected when on medication, they inform their line manager who will implement additional arrangements that safeguard both the individual and the staff/ pupils they work with.


10.3      Staff Wellbeing  – (see also the Schools Wellbeing framework)


The school follows the Councils Wellbeing framework which includes linked policies and procedures in matters relating to developing arrangements for staff wellbeing.  The school recognises that staff are more likely to flourish in an environment free of unnecessary anxiety, stress and fear and where the contribution of all employees is valued. This framework incorporates a range of issues including:


·         Worklife balance – A guidance document

·         Stress – A guidance document

·         Dignity and Respect at Work (anti- bullying and harassment)  - A Policy & Procedure


If staff are to provide an atmosphere conducive to pupil achievement, they need to be emotionally healthy themselves.  The Wellbeing Framework takes a whole school approach to creating a healthy, positive working environment that puts the wellbeing and effectiveness of staff right at the heart of the school.


Staff are able to raise concerns regarding their workload and any effects it may be having on their health with their line manager. If staff don’t wish to discuss a particular problem with their line manager then the Staff Welfare Counselling Services 01273 481738 is available to staff. All discussions are confidential.


10.4      New & Expectant Mothers. - (See also Council Policy on New and Expectant Mothers)


Pregnancy should not be equated with ill health. It should be regarded as part of everyday life and its health and safety implications can be adequately addressed by normal health and safety management procedures. 


Many women work while they are pregnant and many return to work while they are still breast feeding.  Some hazards in the work place may affect the health and safety of new and expectant mothers and of their children. 


The following procedure is in place:

·         Female staff (full and part-time) are required to inform their Line Manager and Human Resources as soon as possible and in writing when pregnancy has been confirmed.

·         The Line Manager will undertake a risk assessment of the employee work activity to ensure no risk to the health of the employee or the unborn child.  Copies of the Risk Assessment will be kept and will be reviewed throughout the pregnancy and if circumstances surrounding the pregnancy alter in any way.

·         The Health and Safety Coordinator is available to give advice at any stage of the process, but the general principles of common risk assessment will apply.



11.  Risk Assessment


Specific risk assessments are required for activities involving fire, manual handling, hazardous substances and the use of display screen equipment. Generic risk assessments must be completed for those activities and workplaces where specific assessments have not been carried out.


All staff have a responsibility to make themselves familiar with both the general and the specific risk assessments relating to their area of work. Copies of these assessments are held in the school office.


The following staff complete risk assessments for the areas highlighted below:

·         Premises                   Headteacher

·         Curriculum                Curriculum Co-ordinators

·         Off-site Visits                        Class teacher in liaison withEVC

·         Individual/specific     Those directly concerned/responsible


12. Specific Hazards.


Schools are not generally considered as dangerous places to work in but they can still create risk of injury or to health. The hazards relevant to this school are detailed below along with the safe procedures put in place to manage the risk.


12.1 Display screen equipment (DSE) – (see also Council Policy on DSE)


All staff who are DSE ‘users’ (i.e. use a computer continuously for one hour or more and have no discretion on using the equipment) complete a Workstation Self Assessment which is then assessed by one of the schools DSE Assessors , School Business Manager. The DSE Assessor then completes a DSE Assessment on the individual.


DSE Users are entitled to an eyesight test, particularly if they are experiencing visual difficulties associated with the use of DSE, and if they request it.  The optician’s fee for the eyesight test will be reimbursed by the school to a maximum of £16.50. If corrective appliances are required for DSE work, the school will reimburse a maximum of £49.95 towards the cost if required purely for DSE work.


12.2Electrical Equipment.


All staff are responsible for ensuring that they carry out a pre-use visual check and handle electrical equipment sensibly and safely.  Any pupil or volunteer who handles electrical appliances does so under the supervision of a member of staff who will also direct them.


All electrical equipment is checked annually (Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)) under the terms of the maintenance contract.  Site Manager in liaison with the School Business Manager  is responsible for maintaining accurate records, ensuring that all equipment in current use is checked and for making arrangements for the equipment to be accessible for testing.


If there is any doubt about the safety of the equipment it will not be used. 

Any potential hazards will be reported to School Business manager/Site Manager immediately.


The headteacher must be made aware of, and approve the use of any item being brought into schools by a member of staff, volunteer or a pupil. The headteacher must be made aware of and approve the arrangements for temporary electrical extensions required for drama productions, Christmas decorations etc.


12.3Machinery and Equipment.


An inventory of all equipment is kept by School Business Manager and held in the school office.  Hand tools are used under strict guidance and close supervision of the teacher or teaching assistant, when used by pupils.  Such equipment – even simple items such as scissors – is stored away after use.  


12.4Manual Handling. (see also Council Policy on Manual Handling)


All equipment must be moved safely.  Large pieces of equipment will only be moved by people who have received manual handling training.  PE equipment may be moved by pupils but they must be given clear instruction in the correct way to lift and handle items.  There must always be at least 2 pupils per piece of equipment or mat.  Close supervision is maintained at all times.


Site Manager in liaison with the Head Teacher will be responsible for undertaking risk assessments for manual handling tasks.  Training will be given to those staff who are expected to lift objects.  Staff have a personal responsibility to ask for help or not undertake an activity if they are apprehensive about their capability to move goods, equipment or furniture.


Where lifting equipment/ aids are provided, only those members of staff who have been trained in the use of the equipment and are authorized to use it may undertake the activity. Lifting equipment is checked every six months by a competent person.




The risk of injury within the workplace is most likely to be caused by the more mundane hazards as a result of poor housekeeping.  Trips and falls can be caused by trailing cables, objects left on floors, traffic routes blocked within the classroom and spillages.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that their classroom has clear traffic routes and that exit routes are kept clear.  The caretaker/ site manager undertakes an inspection whilst opening the school each morning to ensure that communal areas are free from trip hazards, etc.  The caretaker/site manager reports all hazards, obstructions, defects or maintenance requirements to the School Business Manager.  It is the duty of all staff to be vigilant and aware of possible hazards. If any spillages occur, these are dealt with immediately.


The school is cleaned as per the cleaning schedule and is monitored by the Headteacher.  All waste is disposed of according to appropriate health and safety guidelines.






12.6    Off-site Visits


The school has a separate policy on Off-site visits.  Staff must ensure that prior to planning or accompanying an off-site visit, that they are aware of the school and Council policy on educational visits.


12.7Hazardous Substances (see also Council Policy on Hazardous Substances)


The school keeps an inventory of all hazardous substances on site and is kept up to date by the Site Manager.. COSHH risk assessments are undertaken for all hazardous materials onsite. 


Inspections take place to:

  • Identify all substances used;
  • Assess the level of risk to health;
  • Eliminate the use of substances or substitute a safer alternative where possible;
  • Introduce and monitor control measures to prevent risk.


12.8Noise at Work


All members of staff need to be aware of “nuisance noise” and respect the needs of others in the school.  Common sense and courtesy by all members of staff, pupils and visitors to the school will prevent problems arising. Any member of staff or

visitor detecting a potential problem will report immediately to the Headteacher.




If the school is let, the Headteacher must be satisfied that the hiring organisation will use the premises in a safe manner.  A signed, written letting agreement will be completed and copies kept.  Copies of letting agreements are held in the school office. The school will maintain the premises being let in a safe condition and communicate any unsafe conditions or hazards with the lessee.


13.         Use of Minibuses and Other Vehicles – Not applicable


The Guidelines for Minibus Operation apply to all minibuses and other large passenger-carrying vehicles e.g. people carriers and are also the minimum standards to be applied to any vehicle hired for use on School business.


Eligibility to Drive – All drivers must:

·         Be aged 25 and under 65 and have held a full current driving license for at least three years without claim or conviction; This minimum age is reduced to 23 for teachers appointed to teach physical education;

·         Provide the Headteacher with a copy of their license annually.

·         Be authorised by their line manager to drive a minibus and have D1 on their license;




Drivers of vehicles on the School campus are subject to all normal regulations including the wearing of seat belts.  A speed limit of 10mph is imposed on vehicles on the site. Drivers of all vehicles, whether car or motor cycle must not drive carelessly or inconsiderately on any occasion.


Procedures are in place to notify the Headteacher of any faults identified with the minibus.  Guidance notes on what to do in case of an accident are kept in the glove compartment of the minibus.


14.    Administration of Medicines

The School follows the Councils Administration of Medicines Policy and therefore has a separate Administration of Medicine Protocol. The school maintains consent forms and records of medicines administered.


15.  Training and Information.


A training needs analysis is undertaken by the headteacher to identify the mandatory health and safety training required for each member of staff and is reviewed annually.  The training is identified using the Workforce Development Training Programme and the headteacher will ensure that staff are released for this training.


All members of staff receive a comprehensive health and safety induction when they commence employment with the school and the induction includes specific elements of this policy being brought to their attention.  A volunteer will receive a specific induction relevant to the activities they are undertaking in school.


The Headteacher :

·         Informs staff of any changes in the policy;

·         Assesses the training requirements of the staff and integrates those needs onto the school development plan to inform governors;

·         Assesses the training needs of new members of staff.


Every member of staff is made aware of the Council Policy on health and safety and shown how to access the document via the Wave.  If any member of staff feels the need for training they must alert their line manager or senior management team.


The school has developed a supply teacher’s pack and this will be issued to all supply staff that includes health and safety information.


16.  Monitoring Health and Safety


Health and safety standards are monitored by the senior management team in conjunction with the school governors by the following:


·         SMT include health and safety as part of the agenda of their regular meetings;

·         The headteacher conducts an annual inspection with a trade union safety representative (where appointed);



·         The governors agenda and headteacher’s report to the governors both have health and safety as standing agenda items.


16.1   Inspections


To maintain and improve standards throughout the school a termly premises inspection takes place and records kept.  The school is inspected by the Site Manager in liaison with the Head Teacher.


16.2   Auditing


As a means of confirming that the necessary systems to comply with legislation are in place and are being followed the Council will complete a health and safety audit every 3 years. The action points identified through the audit will form part of the school development plan.


17.       Visitors


The Headteacher and governors must accept the responsibility for health and safety of visitors to the school, including contractors.


All visitors to the school are asked to sign in at the school office and sign out when they leave.  Each class teacher will accept responsibility for specific volunteers or visitors including checking that they are aware of emergency procedures and supervising their evacuation in case of an emergency.


Deputy Headteacher  will ensure that volunteers have the necessary safety information.



18.       Trade Union Safety Representatives

Trade unions can appoint safety representatives who are legally entitled to inspect premises, investigate accidents and undertake safety training under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977.  The trade union safety representative will consult the headteacher on any relevant health and safety matters. Representatives are part of the safety consultative process and their role includes:

·         investigating potential hazards and dangerous occurrences and examining the causes of accidents at the workplace;

·         investigating complaints by any employee on matters relating to that employee’s health, safety or welfare at work;

·         making representations to the employer on the above matters and

·         carrying out inspections as appropriate (i.e. at least quarterly) and/or after a notifiable accident, dangerous occurrence or the contraction of a notifiable disease, or when there are changes in the workplace which might affect the health, safety and welfare of employees.


19.       Safety Policy Review


The school acknowledges that the Safety Policy is a working document that includes details of policy and procedures relating to health and safety issues.


The school will monitor and update the Policy as appropriate and will undertake a formal review on a bi-annual basis seeking endorsement from the Board of Governors.


Appendix A


List of Useful Contacts in School






Health and Safety Governor


Ms Andrea Leahy

Health and Safety Coordinator


Mrs Gill Brill

Educational Visits Coordinator


Mrs Vanessa Denyer

Curriculum Coordinators









Ms Karen Busby

Mr Dave Dyer

Mrs Karlynn Layzell

Miss Sarah Moriarty

Ms Yvie Mason

Mick Brazil

First Aid Coordinator


Mrs Barbara Walker

Person responsible for reporting Accidents/incidents


Mrs Gill Brill

Trade Union Safety Representatives


Ms Karen Busby

Health and Safety Committee (only if appropriate)



First Aiders


All support staff









Appendix B

Record Keeping


In the previous sections reference has been made in various places to record keeping.  There follows a list of those responsible for maintaining such records and where they are kept.


Records of

Produced by

Where kept


Accidents on Site

Those involved in the accident

School Office

First Aid administered

First Aiders & Appointed Persons

School Office

Fire Risk Assessment



School Office

Asbestos Management Plan



School Office

Medicines administered


First Aider/Secretary

School Office

Risk Assessments



School Office

COSHH Assessments



School Office

Electrical Tests


LEA approved contractor

School Office

Maintenance of machinery and equipment

LEA approved contractor

School Office

DSE Assessment


H&S Coordinator

School Office

Manual Handling Assessment

Heads of relevant Departments

School Office

Training of staff & students


H&S Coordinator

School Office

Violent incidents


Staff involved in incident

School Office

Testing of  Equipment


LEA approved contractor

School Office

Accident Investigations


Staff involved in accident

School Office

Noise Assessments


LEA approved contractor

School Office

Legionalla testing

Site Manager/Caretaker and LEA approved Contractor

School Office

Monitoring Reports


H&S Coordinator

School Office


Health & Safety Policy as Word Document here