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The pupil premium is allocated to schools in respect of children who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. This applies to both mainstream and non-mainstream settings. In 2012-13 this will also include pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).

The level of the premium in 2012-13 is £619 per pupil for pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and for pupils in care who have been continuously looked after for six months.

At Middle Street Pupil Premium money is used to ensure all children receiving free school meals, looked after children and other children who we consider to be at a disadvantage children are supported in making at the very least good academic progress, making a minimum of 2 sub levels progress every school year.

Amount of pupil premium allocated in 2012-13


How Pupil Premium is being spent

·   We employ a Numbers Count Teaching Assistant who has been specially trained in providing intensive support in numeracy for key stage 1 and 2 children.

·   We employ an Every Child a Reader teacher who is specially trained in providing 1:1 teaching in reading for key stage 1 children

·   We have additional hours for our Learning Mentors to support attendance and families who may be in need of additional support and guidance

·   Additional hours for 1:1 tuition

·   Additional hours for EAL teacher to support children with English as a second language

·   Small amount of funding to provide financial support to enable all children who may otherwise not be able to to take part in school trips, residential and after school clubs.


End of 2013 Key Stage 2 results illustrate that;

100% Pupils affected by the pupil premium made at least expected progress in writing

94% made at least expected progress in reading and 94% made at least expected progress in maths.

The attainment of pupils affected by the pupil premium was higher in reading, writing and maths (with the exception of the percentage attaining level 5 maths) than the Local Authority averages.

Plans for Spending Pupil Premium in the Future

How pupil premium is spent is kept under constant review for example the choice of interventions and other support  is based on evidence of positive impact on children’s learning.

The pupil premium funding in addition to the school budget assists us in providing a warm and friendly environment and high quality provision for all Middle Street children ensuring the best outcomes for all.